Monday, October 21, 2013

Todays big adventure...Our official signing of the adoption paperwork and a trip to the Police Station for her passport :-)

Today was a crazy day...for starters, we tried to stay up last night in order to Skype the boys, but we were exhausted and couldn't stay up (15 hour time difference). so we woke up this morning in order to Skype them in the afternoon (their time).

It was so fun to see the boys and for them to see their new sister!!! What fun they will all have together!!

We then ate a quick breakfast and headed to the Civil Affairs office again to sign paperwork. We had a fun time just being with the other families...we continue to get along great and are having a blast together!!

We were bummed to find out that the orphanage would not grant our request to go and visit, but were blessed to find out that Sherry (our guide) woked it all out so that we could all go visit our kids hometown of Baoji and even find the villages where they were found!!! This was a huge answer to prayer for us!!! We all are so excited to travel to our kids place of birth and perhaps even find answers to some of our questions!!

Please pray that everything will work out great for us to go do this on Thursday. Sherry found out that the village that Ellie was found is lot farther than the other 3 families (there's are all very close), but the other families are so sweet and are willing to make it so that we can all go together and split the cost...they are willing to travel the extra distance for us...what a blessing!!!

Enjoy some pictures of our day:

Could she be any more precious??? This is me trying to feed her "Congee," but I have quickly learned that she probably has never eaten from a spoon because she really didn't know how to eat from a spoon :-)...

Footprints to make everything official!!!

Our thumbprints on our signatures...she's offically a Nielsen!!!

Finishing up the last of the signatures with the Notary.

Daddy and Ellie asleep on the bus ride back :-) precious!!!

We didn't really get pics at the Police Station, but did get some video'll just have to see the videos later :-)...

And now, she's asleep...content and resting for the night after a long busy day!!!

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