Sunday, October 6, 2013

Prayers and Quilt Reminder

I can't believe how fast this countdown is going!!!! We are leaving in about a week and a half and still have so much to do!!!

Please pray for health for our family right now...Tim is just about over being sick, and the boys are both down for the count :-(... I am praising God that my little ones are sick now and not while they are visiting family!! I'm also enjoying the cuddles and hugs that they need during this time!! With that being said, lots of cuddles, hugs, and sleepless nights mean not very much time to get stuff done for our trip! Please pray that our boys will heal soon, and that I would be spared from getting whatever they have (or at least get it now, and be done with it by next week)!!!

Please pray for Tim as he is finalizing his book...woo hoo!!! He is hoping to be done for the most part before leaving for China...oh yes, and he's headed on a mission' trip to San Fran this next about craziness!!

Lastly, please pray that we will hear news about our orphanage phone call before we leave. We would like to have our questions answered especially for Ellie's sake (questions about where she was found, etc.) as well as the practical questions that will help us best know how to pack and what to bring for her.

Also, a reminder about the quilt...if you have a fabric square that you would like to have added to the prayer quilt, we would love that!!! If you are unable to get it to me before we leave, no worries...we want to make sure that everyone who has been praying for Ellie gets a chance to send a piece for this quilt...what a memory she will be able to cherish forever!! You can read more specifics in our previous post...

Thank you to you all who have been faithfully praying!!

Thank you again!!

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