Sunday, December 16, 2012

Adoption Update and Prayer Requests

Here is a copy of the latest e-mail we sent out:

Dear Family and Faithful Supporters,

                Merry CHRISTmas!!! What a beautiful time of year where we get to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior! We pray that you are all doing well this holiday season and that you are able to take time out of your busyness to remember the reason for the season J!!

                We wanted to update you on the progress of our adoption process as well as share some prayer requests!! As a reminder, you can always check out our blog and even sign up to receive posts via e-mail at

First of all, WOW!!! Thank you to each and every one of you who came and/or helped out with our adoption fundraiser, “The China Experience!” We had a great turn out of over 250 adults and children, and we are so thankful to have raised over $6000!!!

                In addition to our fundraiser, we have now officially entered “Stage 2: The Dossier Submission and Waiting” aka, the “WAIT!!!” All our paperwork is now in China, and we just wait for our agency to match us with our daughter… It could happen any day, or even months from now (of course our prayer is sooner rather than later)J. Once we are matched we will enter the final stage which is preparing for travel and actually traveling to China. We are continually learning to wait for God’s perfect timing and rest in the fact that He already knows who our daughter is!!

                We also are super excited about Tiffinie’s CD’s. We still have some available and would love for you to have one! They are not for sale, but rather as a gift to those of you who have helped fund our adoption. The first CD is called, “For Such a Time as This,” and is a praise and worship album, and the second is called, “A Precious Gift,” which is a Christmas album. We pray that they would be a blessing to you as you have blessed us!! For more details on where or how to donate, and how to get the CD’s, please let us know. We have them available at the church, and for those of you in the So. Cal area, my family has some available. We continue to trust God to provide the rest of the funds needed for this adoption! We estimate we need roughly $10,000 more.

                Many of you may also know the Liu family in our church. We would like to extend the invitation to a Pancake Breakfast sponsored by the Orphan Care Ministry to help raise the rest of the funds needed to travel to bring their son Ty home from China!!! What a great, tangible way to help… we all need to eat breakfast J!! The breakfast will be in the church gym on Sunday morning December 30… Make sure you stop on by!! We are rejoicing with them as they will be traveling to China in January to bring him home!!

                Lastly, here are a few things you can be praying for:

                                -Continued peace and patience as we wait for our daughter

                                -Wisdom and guidance as we review the file (when the time comes)

                               and that a perfect match would be found.

                                -That God would continue to provide the funds needed

                                -That God would stir in the hearts of His people to be motivated towards action

                                -That everything will go smoothly with our paperwork in China 

                                -Preparation for our family for whatever “special need” our daughter may have

                We continue to be humbled and stand in awe of all that has happened in the last 8 months to help an orphan girl be joined together with her forever family! “Thank you” seems so inadequate, but we truly are so grateful for everything you all have done! As 2012 comes to a close we continue to praise the Lord for His many blessings! May we keep our eyes fixed on Him as we begin 2013!


With joy and love,

Tim, Tiffinie, Jeremy, Drew, and baby girl Nielsen


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