My heart is so heavy right now, and I am tired of the tears! This has definitely been one of the most difficult things we have ever done!!!
I find myself getting to the unrational place of, "I can't do this anymore!!!!" It is when I come to this place that the struggle truly begins...How can we not fight for our daughter? How can we not beg for help? How can we not advocate for the millions of orphans around the world that need the unconditional love of a family in order to comprehend the unconditional love of the Father!!! WE HAVE TO!!!
I knew this journey would not be easy, but in the midst of it all, it is hard to keep our eyes focused on the goal!
To my future daughter,
I WILL continue to fight for you!!! I WILL work as hard as I can to bring you home!! You are worth it!!! You are unconditionally loved already and we pray daily for you!!! I long for the day I can hold you in my arms and pour out my love on you!!! You are precious to us and we love you so much!!!
With love,
Your mommy :-)
As my sister recently shared with me... our adoption in Christ was the most difficult thing our Heavenly Father did!! It came at a HUGE price!!! The Father sacrificed His own Son in order that we might be called Children of God!!!
Our adoption for this little girl will not be an easy road, it certainly hasn't been thus far!!! There is a huge cost...physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually... but we will continue to fight in order to bring her home!!
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