Monday, August 12, 2013

The Day We FINALLY Got the Call!!!

For those of you who have not heard yet...WE GOT THE CALL!!! Our family has been matched and we can't wait to tell you about her!!

Let me back up a bit before I tell you about the day of the call...

What a whirlwind of the past few weeks before the call! Two weeks before was our church's VBS. Both Tim and I were actively involved and it was absolutely crazy and fun all rolled into one!! I led all the music for the 350+ kids, and Tim led the 5th and 6th grade kids. Tim also was officiating a wedding on Friday, so had the rehearsal, and wedding on top of all of it.

We had a Saturday to "rest" (yeah, right...more like finish laundry, run errands, and pack), and then geared up to leave on Sunday to take over 60 5th-8th graders to Summer Camp. Before leaving for camp I emailed our Family Coordinator with our contact information just in case of a referral. She emailed me back saying that it was probably looking more like fall before the call. I was discouraged a bit, but rested in the fact that God's timing would be perfect whenever the call!

This particular week of summer camp brought a HUGE rise in ladybugs!!! They were everywhere!! I think it was Wednesday when Madison (one of our Jr. High students and daughter of one of the "Join the Journey" adoption families) brought the boys and I to the "ladybug lair!!!" There were thousands of them!!! OH MY STARS!! It was so fun and as always, a constant reminder for us to pray for baby sister!! We had an AWESOME week together as a family!!!

After camp, we celebrated my birthday, and settled in to a quick few days of rest before Jeremy started school. Monday was our first day of "nothing" and it felt good to have fun and be together as a family!

The day...

I wish I could say I woke up in a lovely mood on Tuesday, July 23, but I didn't!! Over the past many months I had been in a great habit of waking up before everyone, and reading my Bible, but after a whirlwind of some crazy weeks out of the routine, I just wanted to sleep in. Drew called me out of bed about 7 times before 7:00 in the morning, and on the 7th time, I had had it!! I thought (perhaps God's prompting) after about the 3rd time that I should just wake up and read my Bible, but I knew I only had 2 more days of "summer" left and sleep sounded too good!! I finally woke up Tim and he got up with the boys. I slept in a bit longer, got ready fast and headed to my dentist appt...FUN??!!

Before I continue on, I thought I would just point out the fact that God is good ALL THE TIME!!! He blesses us even in our yuckiness sometimes!!! His grace comes on the merit of who He is and who He is alone...That day, I, in my humanness was so undeserving of the amazing blessing He had in store for us!!

After my dentist appt. Tim had a picnic lunch packed (I DO have the most amazing husband, might I brag!!) and the boys all ready to head to Micke Grove to play some disc golf. We had such a blast being together and even ran into some friends at the park. After our picnic lunch, a game of tag on the playground, and a huge sting in the head and wasp attack for Jeremy and myself, we headed home :-)!

Drew went down for a nap and Jeremy turned on a cartoon. Tim told me my phone was ringing and named off the area code. I didn't recognize it, so I answered (expecting a telemarketer or something). I was surprised to hear our family coordinator from our agency on the other line. She said, we would love to talk to "ya'll" about a referral... OH MY STARS!!!

I can tell you that the rest of the call was a whirlwind!! I don't know if I could tell you everything she said because I think Tim and I were in complete shock!! We just listened. We were so excited!! After the phone call, we cried and prayed!! I don't think I've cried that much in a long time!!! We have waited for "the call" for 10 months... the wait was finally over!! The fact that we both happened to be home at the same time and it happened to be on a day/week where we were just home and could process all the details was clearly God's perfect timing!!

Unfortunately we can't give all the details yet over the Internet, but we're excited to say that we have gladly accepted the referral for our BEAUTIFUL baby girl!!! The Journey Continues...


  1. What a great post! So excited for your family!!

  2. So very HAPPY For you guys!! God is Amazing!!
