Thursday, June 6, 2013

Ladybugs, ladybugs...everywhere!... And a cute Drew story...

Oh my stars... Have you seen them? Ladybugs are everywhere!! Now, I'm sure this is the case every year, but this year is different for us!
I think it was sometime in September when I learned about the story of ladybugs and international adoptions in China. As many of you know, China loves symbols and it seems as if every object, animal, etc. has significance and meaning. The same is true of the ladybug. I might be mixed up with some of my facts, but the story goes that shortly after China opened its country for international adoptions, the ladybug (Chinese beetle) population grew exponentially in the Guangzhou province. The Guangzhou province is where every adoptive family has to travel to complete their adoption process. So, it is said that the ladybug is the good luck symbol for Chinese adoptions.

Now, I don't believe in all the good luck/bad luck/lucky kind of stuff when it comes to life's events...I just believe in God, period!

Having said that, it has been fun for us to think of the ladybug as a symbol for the adoption of our little girl!

The other day our boys were playing out front on the slip n slide. Drew found a ladybug and played with it for over 20 minutes!! Now, if you have boys, you know that is no small feat! They like to smash and demolish every bug in site, but there is something different about a ladybug. It captures their attention! There is something calming and soothing about having a ladybug crawl on you. The ladybug Drew found simply would not leave him. He laid on the ground with it and let it crawl on his hands and was captivated!!

We have used the ladybug as a symbol to personally remind us of "baby sister." When we find them, we take a brief moment to pray for her!

I have soooo many more "ladybug" moments, but I will share two more fun ones...

In late October when I recorded my CD's for the adoption, my friends Malee, Tammy, Myrna and I went into a woodsy area of Oakhurst (after women's retreat) to take some pictures for the CD's. While we were walking to the river, we happened upon thousands of ladybugs!! I couldn't believe it! I had never seen anything so crazy in my life!! Malee captured some great photos of me with them (see above)!

Since last October, it seems as if I find ladybugs and ladybug girly things everywhere, but it was a sweet night a few weeks ago, that I truly thanked God for this season in our life where ladybugs are everywhere and I am continually reminded to pray for our sweet girl...

It was a Thursday night and we were in So Cal for a conference for Tim. The boys had stayed the night before with my family in San Diego, and I was at Downtown Disney to meet my mom there with the boys. They were all stuck in traffic so I had a little over an hour by myself at Downtown Disney.

At first I was just excited to just have some alone time (a rarity for a mom of young kids!!)! As I began browsing through the stores, I found myself longing for our little girl. I longed for the fun "Very, Merry, Unbirthday Tea Parties" we will have, and times of dressing up like a princess! I looked at all the adorable girly things there, and I just wished she was with me to share in all the fun!!

I had received a phone call that day that I needed to return, so I looked for a "quiet" place to make the call. Now, if you've ever been to Disney you know there are speakers everywhere blasting Disney music! I managed to find a place next to a tall bush, but I had to have my face practically in the bush and my back towards everything else in order to hear.

As I made the phone call, a little ladybug began to crawl right on the leaf in front of my face. I examined the bush and could not find a single ladybug anywhere else. The ladybug stayed there the whole time, and brought a big smile to my face!

It was that beautiful reminder that brought me to pray for my little girl and reminded me that "He makes all things beautiful in His time!"

Some say that when an adoptive family sees a ladybug, they will soon receive their referral. I certainly hoped that would be true last October when I happened upon thousands of them, but God's timing has been far different than our own and has always proven to be the best :-)!

We continue to wait on Him and find joy in the simplicity of His creation, the ladybug. Perhaps when you see one, you might be reminded to pray for our little girl as well!

Now, for a cute little Drew story...

The other night Drew and I were in the bathroom while he was "doing his business." I have often found that the best conversations I have had with my boys have been during those moments of undivided attention as I sit with them in the bathroom :-)...

He asked, "Mommy, when is baby sister coming home?"

I answered, "I don't know, but I hope it's soon! Do you want her to come home soon?"

Drew responded, "No, well, like do you think she could come at like 7:00?"

Gotta love it!!!

Thanks for your continued prayer and support!!