Oh my stars!!! I can't believe I totally forgot to let you all know!!! (I suppose it's been in the church announcements, but I know some of you probably didn't know about it)...Tomorrow night (this Sunday May 4), we will be showing pictures (and souvenirs) and sharing our journey to get Ellie!!! You are all welcome to just come hang out with us! Bring the whole family...it will be totally low key!!!
So here's the details...
May 4 at 5:00 PM
FBC Lodi (in the chapel)
You all have helped in so many ways and we want to be able to share our time in China with you!!! We hope to see you there!!
TNT Adoption Journey
Bringing our daughter home from China
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Come on out this Friday night!!!
Just a reminder...
Come help bring Nathan Eby Home!!!
This Friday, April 25 FBC Lodi
Squeeze Inn burgers served anytime between 5-7 PM
Concert 7-8 PM (Della Sandoli and (me) Tiffinie Nielsen)
We are not all called to adopt, but we are all called to do something!!! Come help support this amazing family as they work to bring their second son home from China!!!
Help spread the word!!! One less orphan, one more Eby!!!
Come help bring Nathan Eby Home!!!
This Friday, April 25 FBC Lodi
Squeeze Inn burgers served anytime between 5-7 PM
Concert 7-8 PM (Della Sandoli and (me) Tiffinie Nielsen)
We are not all called to adopt, but we are all called to do something!!! Come help support this amazing family as they work to bring their second son home from China!!!
Help spread the word!!! One less orphan, one more Eby!!!
Then and Now...6 Months Later...
Yesterday we celebrated the most important event in human history!!! Christ is risen from the dead!!! Christ conquered death and proved He is who He said He was!!! He is my risen Lord and Savior and the One I live for each and every day!!!
As we celebrated Easter yesterday, I was reminded that 6 months ago to the very day (October 20, 2013) our lives were forever changed!!! A beautiful baby girl was placed in our arms to be part of our family forever!!! What a blessing she is to our family, and I can't believe how far we have come in these past 6 months!!!
Here we are with the other families we traveled with (minus one other family whose daughter was in a different Province) |
We then heard voices coming down the hall...could it be them??? NO...just 3 more families added to our crowded room. They were families from (I think) the Dominican Republic and were also coming for their kids.
So here we all were...and then...MASS CHAOS!!! All the kids came in at once!!! I couldn't find her (I had a serious disadvantage being the shortest one, lol!!!)...but Tim spotted her right away. The world stopped for a brief moment, much like it did when Jeremy and Drew were brought into this world!! We made our way to her, and the rest was a whirlwind!!! She was finally in her mommy and daddy's arms!!!
Here we are with one of the nanny's who took care of her. |
We took her back to the hotel to celebrate not only her GOTCHA DAY, but also her 1st birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!! |
Six months ago today (October 21), Jiang Chu Xue officially became Ellie Mei Nielsen!!!A thumb print over every signature makes everything official in China!! |
Last days in China...We all have our kids now!!! We miss these families sooooo much, but are blessed with Social Media where we can still keep in touch!!! |
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November (where Ellie decided to put everything in her mouth...legos, leaves, old food, etc.) |
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December What fun for Ellie to celebrate her first Christmas!!! |
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January In January, Ellie began to walk! |
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February All "sporty" and ready to have some fun!! |
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March Her first time at the beach!!! |
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Here we are NOW!!! |
THEN (October 20, 2013) |
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NOW (April 20, 2014...6 months later) |
We love you, our sweet Ellie Mei!! Happy 6 month Gotcha Day!!!
Thursday, April 10, 2014
One less...
Over a year ago, Tim and I were listening to one of our favorite CD's, "The Story of Your Life" by Matthew West.
Song #6 jumped out at us because of the words... it was our story... "One Less!!" It is the story of adoption and the fact that there will be one less broken heart in the world tonight.
We have another amazing opportunity to help there be one less orphan and I would love to personally invite you to help!!
Our dear friends, Steve and Sarah Eby (who we came to know through our adoption of Ellie), brought their beautiful son Peter home from China a little over a year ago.
God laid it on their hearts to adopt again, and they are in the process of adopting another little boy, Nathan...one more Eby, and one less orphan!!!
Here's how you can help:
Song #6 jumped out at us because of the words... it was our story... "One Less!!" It is the story of adoption and the fact that there will be one less broken heart in the world tonight.
We have another amazing opportunity to help there be one less orphan and I would love to personally invite you to help!!
Our dear friends, Steve and Sarah Eby (who we came to know through our adoption of Ellie), brought their beautiful son Peter home from China a little over a year ago.
God laid it on their hearts to adopt again, and they are in the process of adopting another little boy, Nathan...one more Eby, and one less orphan!!!
Here's how you can help:
Friday April 25
FBC Lodi
Dinner/Concert Fundraiser to bring little Nathan home!!!!
"Squeeze-In" burgers (by donation) served between 5-7 PM
Concert 7-8 PM
I am honored that the Ebys have asked me to be a part of the concert, so I will be singing some songs that night to help raise money for Nathan...what a privilege!!
They will also be doing a silent auction that night!! If you would love to donate something, or would love to put of fun basket together of goodies to be donated please let me know as soon as possible.
We hope to see you there!!
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
3 Months Later...
This is the face of the beautiful, vibrant, adorable girl who we have the blessing and privilege of raising!!!! We are truly blessed!!!
We hear it often said that she is so blessed to have us as a family!!! The truth of the matter is, it is us that continually reap the blessings!!!!!
I thought that rather than writing a bunch of stuff, I would just outline our past 3 months by way of pictures...so fun!!!
Having said that, I have always tried to make a point to be real with everyone and never sugar coat our lives!! These past 3 months have been TOUGH!!! It has been extremely rough gaining an instant 1 year old and learning how to manage a family of 5. In the past three months, there has pretty much been at least one sick kid a week, and we have had many trips to the doctors! We have had sleepless nights and exhausting days...the laundry is always on "back order", chicken nuggets have been the dinner meal far too often, and the dishes are usually right where they were left :-)!!! Regardless, we wouldn't change a thing, and we feel as if Ellie has been with us from the start!! She is a perfect fit to our family, and only an all powerful God could orchestrate such an amazing thing...To God be the glory!!!
Enjoy the pictures!!!!
First full day home asleep in her crib...the sleep didn't last long, but it was surreal to see her lying there finally at home!!!
We arrived home late October 30, so we were prepared for a little "trick or treating" on October 31st...of course she had to be a ladybug!!!
All ready for her first bike ride...she LOVED it!!!
"Are you sure about this daddy?"
She loves taking jogs with daddy on Monday's and Thursday's!!
First (of many I'm sure) drum lesson with daddy!!
Drew's 4th birthday party...Pirate style...Yo Ho!!!
Ellie loves to find her way under chairs and tables!!!
Got her ears pierced!!!! She looks adorable with cute little pearls in her ears, and despite getting them pierced, I STILL had someone think she was a boy...I tell ya!!
Getting out the Christmas decorations...the boys put the Santa hat on her and she loved it!!!
In early December we had to take a trip to Oakland for an appt. for Drew. I happened upon this amazingly cool playground where there was a Chinese Junk Boat to play on (just a mile from his doctor...been there countless times and never knew about this playground)!! You can tell by Ellie's knees that she LOVED crawling all around!!
We even went next door to the community center and found over a hundred Chinese adults playing ping pong!! There was a school next door that had mostly Chinese kids and they loved playing on the playground with Ellie!! It was so fun and I felt as if I was back in China!!
Ellie's favorite spot in the house...under the kitchen table :-)!!
At the Bass Pro Shop getting ready to see Santa!!!
"Hmm...I'm not too sure about this whole Santa thing..."
"I think I'm my brother Drew's favorite person to play with while Jeremy's at school!!!...He's crazy and makes me do crazy things, but he's a lot of fun!!!"
"I love playing with my new kitchen while mommy cooks!!"
"Just chillin' with my big brother!!"
"I might have to be rough and tough with my big brothers, but I love to carry my purse around the house!!! Being a girl is so much fun!!!"
At Impact Sports with Drew...this was the only picture she was still enough to take!!! She loved all the play structures and mats to crawl around on!!!
Picking up Jeremy from school is one of the highlights of the day!!!
Ellie learned to walk a couple of weeks ago and loves holding her brothers hands!!!
At church with favorite "big sis" Jamee ("Yay-Yay")
Happy Chinese New Year!!! January 31, 2014 marks the first day of the Chinese New Year!! We celebrated with the Eby's and the Liu's!!
Family day trip this past Saturday to Point Reyes to see the migrating Grey Whales and Elephant seals (in the background). We are thankful that Ellie (like our boys) is a great traveler!!
"This is the rocking chair that my Gramps made my mommy when she was my age..."
"I have the coolest big brothers..."
"And a pretty crazy family!!!..."
Together, we are all blessed!!!
We have enjoyed a whirlwind of a past 3 months with Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas (a trip to San Diego), Winter Camp (with the "big kids" at church), and much more!!! We look forward to this continuous road ahead with our sweet Ellie Mei!!
Thursday, November 7, 2013
100 "Good Wishes"/Prayer Quilt
I thought I would just send a quick note to remind you all about the 100 "Good Wishes"/Prayer Quilt.
The concept is super simple, but I know some of you were a little confused, so hopefully this will help.
Basically, you just need to provide a square of fabric (8 inch square-new or used)...you do not need to quilt the square or add anything to it...of course if you already have, no worries.
We will be taking all the squares and patching them together to make a quilt.
In addition to the square, please attach a note, prayer, verse, etc. for Ellie. With the note, include a small scrap (like 1 inch or so) from your fabric, so that we can see which person sent which fabric :-)...if the fabric has a special meaning, please note that as well!!
We will be making a scrapbook of all the notes to keep as a memory for Ellie.
Doing a quilt like this is a special tradition in China for a new baby, so we thought we would carry that out, and since there are so many of you who have been so instrumental in our journey to bringing her home, we would love for her to know who all of you are :-)!!
We originally had the due date for the fabrics as Oct. 20, but since we were gone in China, things got put a little on hold, so no worries if you haven't sent one.
If you are here in Lodi, feel free to give it to me, send it in the mail, or put it in Tim's box.
If you are in San Diego, you can either mail it to our parents, or give it to them in person :-).
If you live somewhere else and need to mail it, message me and I will give you the address.
The concept is super simple, but I know some of you were a little confused, so hopefully this will help.
Basically, you just need to provide a square of fabric (8 inch square-new or used)...you do not need to quilt the square or add anything to it...of course if you already have, no worries.
We will be taking all the squares and patching them together to make a quilt.
In addition to the square, please attach a note, prayer, verse, etc. for Ellie. With the note, include a small scrap (like 1 inch or so) from your fabric, so that we can see which person sent which fabric :-)...if the fabric has a special meaning, please note that as well!!
We will be making a scrapbook of all the notes to keep as a memory for Ellie.
Doing a quilt like this is a special tradition in China for a new baby, so we thought we would carry that out, and since there are so many of you who have been so instrumental in our journey to bringing her home, we would love for her to know who all of you are :-)!!
We originally had the due date for the fabrics as Oct. 20, but since we were gone in China, things got put a little on hold, so no worries if you haven't sent one.
If you are here in Lodi, feel free to give it to me, send it in the mail, or put it in Tim's box.
If you are in San Diego, you can either mail it to our parents, or give it to them in person :-).
If you live somewhere else and need to mail it, message me and I will give you the address.
Friday, November 1, 2013
We made it home and made the news!!!!
Well after almost 48 hours of travel, we FINALLY made it home!!! And what a sweet homecoming it was!!!
The cool part is, it was all captured on video (not for reasons we would've ever wanted, but hey, I guess God wanted to use an emergency plane landing as a way for all to see our adoption story)!!! What a blessing that although you couldn't all be at the airport to see Ellie come home, you could see it all captured on video via the news!!!
Tokyo-To-SFO Flight Makes Emergency Landing In Alaska « CBS San Francisco
So...let's see where I left off on our last blog... Oh yeah, Tokyo, Japan!!
We had fun playing in the play area, then boarded our flight!!! I can tell you that at this point, we were so ready to be at home and see our boys!!! We were also exhasted from almost 24 hours of travel thus far... Just 12 more hours to go and then we were home...
But God had far different plans!!! About 5 or so hours into our flight we started experiencing some heavy turbulence! We were eating dinner at the time, and let me tell you it was a little bit like eating dinner while riding a roller coaster... Had to hold our food trays and drinks down :-)...
Then it settled down and a few minutes later we heard a bang followed by a rumble (kind of a similar sound and feeling to when the landing gear comes down). Tim had the flight tracker on his tv screen and we noticed that the plane had started descending. I immediately felt the terrible feeling that something was wrong!! A few minutes later and more descending, I asked Tim to go ask the stewardesses. He said they didn't know, but all of them seemed chipper, so not to worry. We then noticed on the flight tracker that the airplane had diverted from the original path and had turned towards Alaska.
At this point I wish I could say that I had great peace and a steadfast faith that everything was going to be okay, but I was genuinely scared!!! I just wanted to see our boys and give them a hug one more time!!! Tim stayed incredibly strong throughout the whole ordeal and I was so thankful for that!!! After a little bit, I had to go to the bathroom and mustered up the courage to go despite being very afraid!!! While in the bathroom I began to think of what I would tell the boys if they were with me... I started smiling and sang one of our favorite songs that we sing as a family (a camp song Tim and I learned when we were younger taken straight from the book of Isaiah), "Fear not, for I am with you! fear not! for I am with you! fear not! For I am with you says The Lord!!!"
I am thankful that although my initial human response was fear, I was able to get to the place (after a long while) where I could carry out Philippians 4... "Do not be anxious about anything..."
After what seemed like a very long time, the captain came on and shared that the loud sound we heard was an engine problem and that we were okay and the engine was still working, but we needed to make an emergency landing in Cold Bay, Alaska. Yikes...still totally freaky as we were over the ocean and Cold Bay was the closest to land we could get (we prayed hard that the engine wouldn't fail)!!!
We then landed and were told that we had to stay on the plane for at least 6 hours due to the fact that there were no customes in Cold Bay...
I can tell you that it was nice to be on a plane that had individual TV's and the airline did it's best to keep us comfortable and fed.
After what seemed to be an eternity, we were finally able to get out and walk on land...woo hoo!!! They bundled Ellie and I up in a blanket and comforter for the cold walk down the stairs to the shuttle bus. It was freezing outside, and I, being a California girl had my flip flops on :-)!!! It was totally beautiful too!!! I have always heard that Alaska was beautiful, and I can now attest to that!!! We then boarded a little shuttle bus and drove about 100 ft. :-) (maybe a few feet more, but not much) to the Cold Bay School. There were 8 kids total in the school (Cold Bay's population is around 100).
The school was gracious enough to let all of us use their internet because none of us got reception, so up until now we had no way to contact our families!!! I felt so bad to hear that my family had already drove the hour and a half to get to the airport because the flight said we were on time...of course by this time it was already 2:00 PM and our flight was supposed to land in the morning. Thanks Gramps and Gramma for entertaining the boys ALL day and night in San Fran!!!
Oh, I left out a funny (at least funny now) part of the story... While we were on the ground sitting on the plane, Ellie started having an allergic reaction and broke out in hives over her whole body. Of course we had Benedryl, but it was in the checked bag because it was too big of a liquid item to go in the carry on.
Tim asked the flight attendants if they had any, and of course they did, but it was in the "lock box." In order for them to get it, they would have to put the plane in lock down mode and lock the pilots back up in the cock pit (no problem if we were flying in the air, but we were on the ground...). They made an announcement to ask others on board, and all the Benedryl that people had was in pill form. We decided to chop up a little piece of one pill and put it in her bottle, but of course she wasn't having it!!
She was super itchy, and I really didn't know what to do!!! When we finally got off the plane and arrived at the school, I decided to ask the principal of the school (who also happened to be the teacher, special ed teacher, and janitor of the school...lol!!!!). She was the sweetest, kindest lady ever!!! She got on the phone to contact the small store (who had it, PTL!!!), and then called another lady to go pick it up. The Benedryl arrived within 3 minutes I think!!!
I then went in to the small classroom of 8 kids to say thank you!!! The principal/teacher/janitor asked me to share with the class about our adoption and all the different parts of China we went to!! They all LOVED Ellie and thought it was so cool that we adopted her!!! They even got my email address so they could write to us!!!
I told them that although she is Chinese, she becomes a US Citizen upon touch down into the U.S....how cool is that that she "technically" became a US Citizen in the small town of Cold Bay, Alaska (although since there is no customs there, it didn't become official until San Fran). The kids at the school thought that was so cool!!!
I joked with Tim that there would probably be reporters when we arrived in San Fran, and I guess maybe we could spread the word about the orphans that way...little did we know!!!!
Soooo, we finally boarded the new airplane and as we watched the people try to transfer our check on luggage into the new airplane using tractors and forklifts, the most beautiful rainbow Tim and I have ever seen appeared in the sky...It was a full one!!! Our God is big, mighty, and faithful!!!
As we headed back to San Fran, I can honestly say that we were soooo exhausted!! The Benedryl conked Ellie out, so she slept the whole way home!!! We tried to sleep, but it was difficult...
Arriving in San Fran, Tim and I realized that it had been almost 48 hours of travel (From Guangzhou, to Beijing, Beijing to Tokyo, Tokyo to Alaska, and Alaska to San Francisco) with no sleep...
We got off the plane over 12 hours later than was scheduled, headed through customs and immigration, then to the baggage claim... we were so excited to finally see our boys!!!
We headed to the waiting area only to be greeted by our boys, my parents and about 12 cameras and reporters all waiting for our story.. welcome to America Ellie!!! :-) (They apparently had already heard about Ellie from the kids at Cold Bay school that the reporters had talked to!!!)
What a homecoming!!!! And as I said, you couldn't all be there to see the homecoming, but because it was all captured on video, you can see it now!!!
As a side note...we are all completely exhausted... emotionally and physically!!! I honestly don't know how many days it will take for us to feel "normal" again, but we're so glad to be home!!! Ellie's doing great, and is enthralled by her big brothers!!!
Tokyo-To-SFO Flight Makes Emergency Landing In Alaska « CBS San Francisco
So...let's see where I left off on our last blog... Oh yeah, Tokyo, Japan!!
We had fun playing in the play area, then boarded our flight!!! I can tell you that at this point, we were so ready to be at home and see our boys!!! We were also exhasted from almost 24 hours of travel thus far... Just 12 more hours to go and then we were home...
But God had far different plans!!! About 5 or so hours into our flight we started experiencing some heavy turbulence! We were eating dinner at the time, and let me tell you it was a little bit like eating dinner while riding a roller coaster... Had to hold our food trays and drinks down :-)...
Then it settled down and a few minutes later we heard a bang followed by a rumble (kind of a similar sound and feeling to when the landing gear comes down). Tim had the flight tracker on his tv screen and we noticed that the plane had started descending. I immediately felt the terrible feeling that something was wrong!! A few minutes later and more descending, I asked Tim to go ask the stewardesses. He said they didn't know, but all of them seemed chipper, so not to worry. We then noticed on the flight tracker that the airplane had diverted from the original path and had turned towards Alaska.
At this point I wish I could say that I had great peace and a steadfast faith that everything was going to be okay, but I was genuinely scared!!! I just wanted to see our boys and give them a hug one more time!!! Tim stayed incredibly strong throughout the whole ordeal and I was so thankful for that!!! After a little bit, I had to go to the bathroom and mustered up the courage to go despite being very afraid!!! While in the bathroom I began to think of what I would tell the boys if they were with me... I started smiling and sang one of our favorite songs that we sing as a family (a camp song Tim and I learned when we were younger taken straight from the book of Isaiah), "Fear not, for I am with you! fear not! for I am with you! fear not! For I am with you says The Lord!!!"
I am thankful that although my initial human response was fear, I was able to get to the place (after a long while) where I could carry out Philippians 4... "Do not be anxious about anything..."
After what seemed like a very long time, the captain came on and shared that the loud sound we heard was an engine problem and that we were okay and the engine was still working, but we needed to make an emergency landing in Cold Bay, Alaska. Yikes...still totally freaky as we were over the ocean and Cold Bay was the closest to land we could get (we prayed hard that the engine wouldn't fail)!!!
We then landed and were told that we had to stay on the plane for at least 6 hours due to the fact that there were no customes in Cold Bay...
I can tell you that it was nice to be on a plane that had individual TV's and the airline did it's best to keep us comfortable and fed.
After what seemed to be an eternity, we were finally able to get out and walk on land...woo hoo!!! They bundled Ellie and I up in a blanket and comforter for the cold walk down the stairs to the shuttle bus. It was freezing outside, and I, being a California girl had my flip flops on :-)!!! It was totally beautiful too!!! I have always heard that Alaska was beautiful, and I can now attest to that!!! We then boarded a little shuttle bus and drove about 100 ft. :-) (maybe a few feet more, but not much) to the Cold Bay School. There were 8 kids total in the school (Cold Bay's population is around 100).
The school was gracious enough to let all of us use their internet because none of us got reception, so up until now we had no way to contact our families!!! I felt so bad to hear that my family had already drove the hour and a half to get to the airport because the flight said we were on time...of course by this time it was already 2:00 PM and our flight was supposed to land in the morning. Thanks Gramps and Gramma for entertaining the boys ALL day and night in San Fran!!!
Oh, I left out a funny (at least funny now) part of the story... While we were on the ground sitting on the plane, Ellie started having an allergic reaction and broke out in hives over her whole body. Of course we had Benedryl, but it was in the checked bag because it was too big of a liquid item to go in the carry on.
Tim asked the flight attendants if they had any, and of course they did, but it was in the "lock box." In order for them to get it, they would have to put the plane in lock down mode and lock the pilots back up in the cock pit (no problem if we were flying in the air, but we were on the ground...). They made an announcement to ask others on board, and all the Benedryl that people had was in pill form. We decided to chop up a little piece of one pill and put it in her bottle, but of course she wasn't having it!!
She was super itchy, and I really didn't know what to do!!! When we finally got off the plane and arrived at the school, I decided to ask the principal of the school (who also happened to be the teacher, special ed teacher, and janitor of the school...lol!!!!). She was the sweetest, kindest lady ever!!! She got on the phone to contact the small store (who had it, PTL!!!), and then called another lady to go pick it up. The Benedryl arrived within 3 minutes I think!!!
I then went in to the small classroom of 8 kids to say thank you!!! The principal/teacher/janitor asked me to share with the class about our adoption and all the different parts of China we went to!! They all LOVED Ellie and thought it was so cool that we adopted her!!! They even got my email address so they could write to us!!!
I told them that although she is Chinese, she becomes a US Citizen upon touch down into the U.S....how cool is that that she "technically" became a US Citizen in the small town of Cold Bay, Alaska (although since there is no customs there, it didn't become official until San Fran). The kids at the school thought that was so cool!!!
I joked with Tim that there would probably be reporters when we arrived in San Fran, and I guess maybe we could spread the word about the orphans that way...little did we know!!!!
Soooo, we finally boarded the new airplane and as we watched the people try to transfer our check on luggage into the new airplane using tractors and forklifts, the most beautiful rainbow Tim and I have ever seen appeared in the sky...It was a full one!!! Our God is big, mighty, and faithful!!!
As we headed back to San Fran, I can honestly say that we were soooo exhausted!! The Benedryl conked Ellie out, so she slept the whole way home!!! We tried to sleep, but it was difficult...
Arriving in San Fran, Tim and I realized that it had been almost 48 hours of travel (From Guangzhou, to Beijing, Beijing to Tokyo, Tokyo to Alaska, and Alaska to San Francisco) with no sleep...
We got off the plane over 12 hours later than was scheduled, headed through customs and immigration, then to the baggage claim... we were so excited to finally see our boys!!!
We headed to the waiting area only to be greeted by our boys, my parents and about 12 cameras and reporters all waiting for our story.. welcome to America Ellie!!! :-) (They apparently had already heard about Ellie from the kids at Cold Bay school that the reporters had talked to!!!)
What a homecoming!!!! And as I said, you couldn't all be there to see the homecoming, but because it was all captured on video, you can see it now!!!
As a side note...we are all completely exhausted... emotionally and physically!!! I honestly don't know how many days it will take for us to feel "normal" again, but we're so glad to be home!!! Ellie's doing great, and is enthralled by her big brothers!!!
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